Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Forex Da Nang

Da Nang (vietnamita: Đà Nẵng) es conocida como la ciudad más grande del centro de Vietnam y uno de los puertos más importantes del país. Con una superficie de 1.255,53 km² y una población de alrededor de 700.000, se considera la cuarta ciudad más grande del condado junto a la ciudad de Ho Chi Minh. Hanoi. Y Hai Phong. Durante la colonización francesa, Đà Nẵng también se llamó Tourane. Sin embargo, tal nombre ya no se utiliza popularmente cuando se refiere a la ciudad.

A pesar del encanto de la ciudad y sus muchas atracciones, los turistas no estaban tan motivados en visitar Da Nang en comparación con otras ciudades como Hue y Hoi An. Como la principal inspiración económica de Central VN, la ciudad fue creativamente construida combinando la energía de la ciudad colorida con la belleza de sus playas relajantes y románticas. En la cima de eso, hay numerosos restaurantes en todas partes llenas de deliciosos, interesantes y razonablemente a precios razonables comidas y golosinas para los turistas para disfrutar. Durante un cierto período, las inversiones han traído enormes mejoras a la infraestructura de la ciudad, sistemas de transporte, puentes y carreteras, mientras que los complejos se pusieron a lo largo de sus hermosas playas. Su aeropuerto, que es uno de los puertos más ocupados durante la guerra americana, es ahora el 3er aeropuerto más grande del país que da la bienvenida a un gran número de turistas anualmente como punto de partida de sus viajes de VN centrales.

Al borde de la ciudad se encuentran extensas montañas de montañas en el oeste y el gran Mar del Este en el este, creando hermosos paisajes que contribuyen a los muchos paisajes e intereses históricos centrados en la mayoría de las actividades turísticas de los tours. Siendo el motor económico de Central VN, Da Nang no sólo es bien conocido por su industria desarrollada, sino también por sus hermosas playas, una de las cuales, es la Playa de China (My Khe) popularizada por su arena blanca. Una de las atracciones más famosas de Da Nang es el Museo Cham (Museo de Esculturas Cham), que exhibe más de 300 estatuas, relieves y esculturas que se encuentran en My Son, la antigua capital de Cham Kingdom. Esta exposición demuestra la influencia de la cultura india, y es designada por la UNESCO como Patrimonio de la Humanidad.

A unos 10 km al sureste de Danang, los turistas pueden visitar la montaña de mármol con sus rocosos afloramientos de piedra caliza sobresaliendo de las orillas del mar, y con senderos que conducen a la cima de uno de los muchos acantilados boscosos. Desde lo alto, se podían observar unas vistas espectaculares de la playa de Non Nuoc y del Mar de China Meridional. Aparte de eso, más destinos turísticos están situados cerca de Da Nang que los turistas no deben excluir de sus giras. La Playa Son Tra, Playa Lang Co y Suoi Voi son sólo algunos de los muchos (ver los artículos correspondientes e informes en vietnam. com).

Da Nang: Moverse y transportarse

El aeropuerto internacional de Đà Nẵng es actualmente el tercero más ocupado en Viet Nam.

Vietnam Airlines (Tel. 821 130, 35 Tran Phu Street) conecta Đà Nẵng con el destino principal como Ha Noi, Ciudad Ho Chi Minh, Pleiku, Buon Ma Thuot, Nha Trang (Cam Ranh), Quy Nhon.

Pacific Airlines (Tel. 583 583, 35 Nguyen Van Linh Street) ofrece vuelos diarios desde Da Nang a Ho Chi Minh y Ha Noi.

Reunificación Los trenes expresos paran en la estación de tren Đà Nẵng (Tel. 823 810, Hai Phong Street) con destinos como Huế (40 Thousand Dong, 2,5-4 horas), Lang Co (13 Thousand Dong, 1,5-2 horas ), Quang Ngai (47 mil dong, 2,5-4 horas), Nha Trang (203 mil dong, 8,5-12,5 horas). El viaje en tren a Huế (sobre el renombrado Hai Van Pass) es conocido como uno de los viajes más pintorescos del país; Vale la pena considerarlo.

• La estación de autobuses interurbanos Đà Nẵng (Tel. 821 265, 33 Dien Bien Phu Street) está a unos 2 km al oeste del centro de la ciudad. Taxi desde el centro de la ciudad a la estación de autobuses cuesta alrededor de 50 Thousand Dong. Los autobuses salen para todos los principales destinos, incluyendo Huế 40 ​​Thousand Dong, tres horas), Quy Nhon (65 Thousand Dong, seis horas), Kon Tum (85 Thousand Dong, cinco horas). Servicio de autobús a destinos en Laos como Savannakhet (240 Thousand Dong, 14 horas), cruzando la frontera en Lao Bao (reserva 0913-412 442) también está disponible.

• Para ir a Hoi An (8 Thousand Dong, una hora), los autobuses salen de otra estación de autobuses a sólo 200 metros de la estación de autobuses interurbanos. Tenga cuidado: los turistas extranjeros tienden a ser sobrecargado, por ejemplo, si usted toma el autobús de la calle. Incluso si obtener sobrecargado, los precios sin embargo parecen extranjeros como razonable, en comparación con los precios en el extranjero. Compruebe el precio antes de embarcar. La manera más sencilla de llegar a Hoi An (30 km) es alquilar un taxi (alrededor de 250 Thousand Dong) o una moto "xe ôm" (alrededor de 150 Thousand Dong). Por un precio ligeramente más alto, puede pedir al conductor que se detenga y espere mientras visita las montañas de mármol y la playa de China.

• Servicio especial para turistas extranjeros y discernir viajeros, el Sinh Café (Tel. 0510-863 948) ofrece los denominados autobuses de excursión abierta que recogerán pasajeros de fuera del museo Cham dos veces al día en ruta a Huế (US $ 3, 2,5 Horas).

• Mi Hijo también puede llegar en moto "xe ôm" (US $ 12) o en automóvil (US $ 32)

Da Nang (Đà Nẵng) es la tercera ciudad más grande de Vietnam, y se encuentra en la costa del Mar Oriental, a medio camino entre Hanoi y la ciudad de Ho Chi Minh y la ciudad más grande de Vietnam Central.

La ciudad en sí no tiene ni el ambiente de Hanoi ni el ajetreo de la ciudad de Ho Chi Minh, pero tiene su cuota de lugares de interés y está cerca de los encantos de Hoi An y la capital imperial de Hue. Por lo que es un lugar de vacaciones popular para aquellos que buscan explorar las atracciones del centro de Vietnam o absorber algunos rayos mientras pasan el rato en las playas de la ciudad.

Entender Editar

Las regiones que rodean a Da Nang fueron fundadas por los Cham practicando hindúes posiblemente 3000 años atrás, sirviendo como la capital y el centro de la dinastía hindú Champa. La invasión vietnamita a la región en el siglo 17 paró significativamente el desarrollo de Cham y durante la guerra de Vietnam, grandes monumentos y edificios fueron bombardeados. Dado Danang fue el primer punto de invasión colonial, muchos vestigios de la arquitectura francesa están presentes en los edificios históricos. La ciudad ha crecido rápidamente en los últimos años, y alcanzó una población de más de 1.000.000 de personas en 2014. Hasta hace poco, este crecimiento era mayormente hacia el exterior y el relleno, pero ahora hay subidas altas. Hay muchos restos de la "guerra americana" sobrante en Da Nang. Cada puente tiene un constructor diferente, ya sea francés, americano o vietnamita. En el camino hacia el popular lugar turístico; El mar de Vietnam del Sur, las ruinas de una base militar permanecen en forma de hangares de helicópteros, aunque éstos ahora son más fácilmente manchados en el aeropuerto, que sirve vuelos civiles y militares.

La ciudad es a menudo pasado por alto por los turistas, pero es uno de los más amables en todo Vietnam. Mi playa de Khe, también conocida como Playa de China para American G. I., es ahora el hogar de una pequeña comunidad de propietarios de casas de huéspedes, tiendas de estatuas de mármol y otros oficios diversos. Algunas de las playas más hermosas y aisladas de Vietnam se encuentran aquí, entre algunas de las personas más amigables.

Hasta hace relativamente poco, Da Nang era algo hostil a los extranjeros, una consecuencia de las actitudes de los que entonces controlaban el gobierno provincial. Sin embargo, a principios de los años 90, esto cambió y, desde finales de los 90, el gobierno provincial (de hecho, la ciudad autónoma) ha seguido con entusiasmo la inversión extranjera y el desarrollo de la infraestructura. Da Nang tiene algunos de los mejores caminos en el país - el camino de la costa es por lo menos cuatro carriles de la frontera provincial del norte a la frontera provincial meridional. En comparación con Hanoi o HCMC, el tráfico en Da Nang es siempre relativamente ligero, aunque los camiones enormes estropean a lo largo de cada ahora y otra vez y hay breves horas de la acometida. El desarrollo es visible y rápido; La ciudad se ha expandido enormemente en los últimos diez años, y varios edificios de varios pisos, así como más complejos de playa están en construcción, y ahora hay al menos tres grandes supermercados, así como un mayorista de Metro. Esto también implica la reurbanización de áreas cerca de las playas de la ciudad a través del río, con los bloques enteros de la vieja cubierta que es arrasada y de las nuevas carreteras instaladas y de los hoteles y de las villas lujosas construidas (Sep 2013).

El inconveniente de la muy relajado, menos grave y frenético, aspecto de Da Nang es que incluso los lugareños frecuentemente se quejan de que no hay nada que hacer excepto beber, que hacen mucho. Esto no es verdad - hay un zoológico, un estadio de fútbol, ​​muchas canchas de tenis y salas de billar, varias grandes discotecas modernas / discotecas, bares, etc y por supuesto las playas y la península de Son Tra. Sin embargo, también es cierto que el consumo de café y cerveza son las actividades de ocio más comunes de la mayoría de los residentes locales.

Los meses más calientes del año son junio, julio y agosto, cuando la temperatura puede llegar a tan alto como 40 grados centígrados, y generalmente es muy seco. Generalmente hay tormentas tropicales en octubre y noviembre.

Da Nang también está idealmente situado entre Hoi An para un viaje de un día y Hue para el día o viaje corto. Pase por la atmósfera y disfrutar de las playas de arena dorada en la parte occidental de Da Nang (Península de Son Tra) antes de convertirse en un destino turístico muy concurrido. Por desgracia, sólo el Furama y Pullman cinco estrellas complejos están en la playa. Todos los otros hoteles cerca de la playa están justo al otro lado de una calle relativamente concurrida en la península de Son Tra, a menos que vayas un poco fuera de Da Nang. Tumbonas y tumbonas se pueden alquilar en la playa de VND 20 - 30.000 por dos horas. Ellos tratarán de cobrar a los turistas el doble de esa cantidad pero si eso fuera a suceder, muéstrales la lista de precios que aparece en la playa. No se olvide de tomar su toalla, etc. Un puñado de duchas existe cerca de donde están las hamacas.

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En avión Editar sección

Da Nang International Airport (IATA. DAD) es el más pequeño de los tres aeropuertos internacionales de Vietnam. Hay vuelos frecuentes a Hanoi y Ho Chi Minh City tanto en Vietnam como en Jetstar Pacific, así como servicio doméstico entre Buon Ma Thuot. Da Lat. Hai Phong. Nha Trang y Pleiku y Guangzhou internacionalmente. Seúl-Incheon. Kuala Lumpur. Shanghai-Pudong. Siem Reap. Singapur. Taipei y Tokio-Narita. Aparte de un cambiador de dinero, las comodidades del aeropuerto son bastante mínimas, aunque algunas mejoras se hizo al aeropuerto a finales de 2007 y principios de 2008 haciendo del aeropuerto uno de los más modernos del país. A partir de noviembre de 2006, los impuestos internacionales de salida deben ser incluidos en el precio de su billete. En comparación con los grandes aeropuertos vietnamitas, Da Nang es un poco relajado; Los viajeros locales a menudo llegan menos de 30 minutos antes de sus vuelos; También hay un par de restaurantes / cafeterías frente a la terminal, que ofrecen más opciones, si no precios más bajos, que dentro de la zona de salida.

El aeropuerto está situado dentro de la ciudad, a sólo 3 km al suroeste del centro de Danang, un viaje de 10 minutos a lo sumo. Muchos viajeros ahora optan por permanecer en Da Nang, ya que se considera como una puerta de entrada a Vietnam Central Sitios de Herencias: Hoi An (25-30 min, US $ 20) o Hue (2 horas, US $ 40-45 dependiendo del tamaño del coche, como De feb 2012), Mi Hijo (1-1.5 horas). Los hoteles y resorts en Da Nang tienen sus propios escritorios de viajes que ofrecen un medio día o un viaje de un día a esos destinos. El sistema de cupón de taxi de precio fijo ha desaparecido lamentablemente y ahora (a pesar de las señales en todas partes que indican lo contrario) tienes que regatear con los conductores afuera, que piden precios tontos pero se pueden negociar hasta las cantidades anteriores; Encontrar algunos otros viajeros para aliviar el dolor. Si va a un destino dentro o cerca de la ciudad, ignore ofertas para establecer un precio por adelantado e insistir en el uso del medidor (los conductores sólo pueden estar dispuestos a aceptar tarifas preestablecidas durante las fiestas, como Tet). Si llega en un vuelo nocturno, puede encontrarse con un taxista sin escrúpulos que tiene un metro rápido, pero por lo general hay muchos taxis y compañías como Mai Linh, Taxi Xanh o Song Han son confiables; Evitar el taxi del aeropuerto, especialmente por la noche. Las tarifas medias para el centro de la ciudad deberían ser de unos 70.000 dong. Pasando por el metro, la tarifa es de sólo 40.000 dong, pero ningún taxista tomaría su tarifa, especialmente cuando tienes equipaje. Mientras que 50.000 dong parece ser razonable esperar algunos trucos, como la falta de voluntad para aceptar USD, o que tiene un poco más de límite razonable de equipaje o simplemente hay 3 de ustedes. Más probable que no, usted tiene que bifurcar alrededor de US $ 5 o el precio de venta de 300.000 dong puede ser regateado hasta 150.000 dong o el mínimo de 100.000 dong. Excepto ya menos que esté dispuesto a caminar un par de cientos de yardas para un taxi de crucero fuera de la zona del aeropuerto para ahorrar un par de dólares, podría también pagar los dólares extra y estar en su camino. Su recepcionista de hotel sinceramente y sinceramente obtener el conductor de taxi para aceptar 50.000 dong para el viaje de regreso al aeropuerto, sin embargo, usted puede apostar su último dólar que el taxista tiene una manera de separar unos pocos dólares más de su posesión mundana como Usted baja de su taxi. Tome el ejercicio completo en buen paso. Por lo que vale, es sólo unos pocos dólares más. Honestamente, simplemente no vale la pena echar a perder la buena sensación que tienes sobre Danang, Hoi An y Hue. No por unos cuantos dólares.

Llegué en avión en Da Nang el 12 de abril de 2013, y ahora hay un controlador fuera del aeropuerto que dirige a los pasajeros a taxis. No es necesario regatear.

En tren

El Expreso de la Reunificación hace una parada en Da Nang. Muchas motos y taxis están disponibles fuera de la estación si llegas en horario de luz. De lo contrario, puede estar a merced de los taxis que quedan fuera en la noche. Los horarios de llegada y salida programados son seguidos poco. Si sólo quieres llegar a Hue, además de tomar el tren sin escalas a Hanoi (alrededor de dos horas), también puedes tomar el "local" tren que es lento (unos cuatro a cuatro horas y media de Da Nang A Hue, con varias paradas en el camino, un coche o taxi lo hace en dos), pero increíblemente barato (25.000 dong incluyendo una comida) y pasa a través de algunos paisajes costeros espectaculares.

Horario del tren de la estación de Da Nang a Hanoi (el expreso de la reunificación) [2]

Tren Salida Danang Llegada Hanoi SE2 12:06 PM día 1 4.02 AM día 2, SE4 14:42 PM día 1 5.00 AM día 2, SE6 10:34 AM día 1 4:45 AM día 2, SE8 23:27 PM día 1 15:28 PM día 2

Horario del tren de la estación de Da Nang a Hue (el expreso de la reunificación) [3]

Tren Salida Danang Llegada Hue SE2 12:06 PM día 1 14:43 PM día 1, SE4 14:42 PM día 1 17:06 PM día 1, SE6 10:34 AM día 1 13:21 PM día 1, SE8 23: 27 PM día 1 15:28 PM día 1

Horario del tren de la estación de Da Nang a Nha Trang (El Expreso de la Reunificación) [4]

Tren Salida Danang Llegada Nha Trang SE1 10:46 AM día 1 22:28 PM día 1 SE3 10:24 AM día 1 22:03 día 1 SE5 09:11 AM día 1 19:40 PM día 1 SE7 21:56 PM Día 1 7:37 AM día 2

Horario del tren desde la estación de Da Nang a Ho Chi Minh (El Expreso de la Reunificación) [5] Tren Salida Danang Llegada Ho Chi Minh SE1 10:46 AM día 1 4.10 AM día 2 SE3 13:24 día 1 5.00 AM día 2 SE5 09: 11 AM día 1 4:40 AM día 2 SE7 21:56 PM día 1 15:05 PM día 2

En coche Editar

Hay dos maneras de llegar en Danang en coche: Desde el aeropuerto internacional de Danang: se puede alquilar un coche de algún servicio de transferencia, como Hoi An Private Car La cuota de coche privado de 4 asientos es de sólo 17 dólares, que es más competative precio comparar con otros Agencias de viajes en Danang y la ciudad de Hoi An. Incluso ofrecen más barato que el precio del taxímetro. O puede comprobar el precio con Da Nang servicio de traslado al aeropuerto. Es la comodidad, la seguridad, la velocidad y la eficiencia tanto si viaja por negocios como por placer. Desde el puerto de Tien Sa o Chan May: también se puede alquilar un coche para recoger en el puerto (aviso de que el coche a menudo te esperan en frente de la puerta, si desea recoger en el crucero, debe pagar más Debido a la tarifa de la puerta - alrededor de 25 $).

En autobús Editar

Da Nang. El popular servicio de autobuses, hace una parada en Hoi An, a una corta distancia (unos 30 km) de la ciudad. Es de una distancia donde un taxi es mejor que una moto.

Desde Hoi An, puede tomar el autobús local a Da Nang. Es un autobús amarillo que tiene Hoi An - Da Nang a lo largo de la ventana delantera. Nos fuimos de la estación en Nguyen Tat Thanh (a unos 10 minutos a pie al oeste de Hai Ba Trung). El precio más alto que aparece en la ventana del autobús es 18,000d, sin embargo el coleccionista de billetes insistió en que pagamos 30,000d cada uno y señaló a nuestras maletas. Puedes leer la entrada en el wikitravel de Hoi An para más información sobre esto. Los autobuses salen de la estación cada 15-30min durante el día y tardan unos 45 minutos para llegar desde Hoi An a Da Nang.

Por lo menos dos otros servicios del paso del autobús hacen paradas en Da Nang, y se pueden tomar a Hue oa Hoi An o más adelante en cualquier dirección. Fare to Hue es de US $ 3 a finales de 2007, el viaje dura aproximadamente tres horas con una parada de refresco en el camino. El autobús utiliza el túnel así que no pasa por el espectacular paso entre Da Nang y Hue.

Da Nang estación de autobuses sirve transporte a varias ciudades, incluyendo algunos lugares en Laos (autobús diario a Savannakhet, Tha Khek y Vian Tieng en la mañana). Está a pocos kilómetros de la ciudad, pero es servido por los autobuses locales, como el # 2 que va al centro de la ciudad y # 1 a Hoi An. Los autobuses frecuentes van entre Da Nang y Hue (alrededor de 50.000 VND).

Los autobuses salen de la estación de Hanoi Giap Bat por la tarde, cobran 380.000d a partir de octubre de 2012 y toman alrededor de 14 a 16 horas.

Las entradas para la ciudad de Ho Chi Minh son alrededor de 400.000d, dependiendo de la compañía de autobuses.

Hay varios autobuses a Pleiku. Desde donde se puede ir a Laos y Camboya. Los autobuses del Sleeper salen de Da Nang alrededor de 20 a 20:45 y cargan 220,000d a 230,000d (a partir de octubre de 2012).

También hay autobuses directos a Quy Nhon (alrededor de 200.000 d), Nha Trang (alrededor de 250.000 d) y Da Lat (alrededor de 300.000 d), Laos (alrededor de 800.000 d) (2015).

Por los autobuses del durmiente De Da Nang a Ha Noi, Ha Largo, Hue, Dong Hoi, Mui Ne, Nha Trang, Da Lat, Mui Ne, Sai Gon. Laos

Puede reservar entradas en la estación de autobuses de Da Nang Intercity, agencias de viajes, y posiblemente su hotel. Comprar entradas en la estación es la opción complicada (tarifa de taxi desde el centro de la ciudad a la estación de casi 100.000 vnd (1 camino) y tienes que venir a comprar un boleto con antelación para asegurarse de que todavía tienen billetes disponibles), por lo que pagar una prima En su hotel o vaya directamente a la oficina de reservas de Sleeper Bus puede ahorrar mucho tiempo, dinero y preocupación.

Sleeper Bus Oficina de reservas - Da Nang's Backpackers. No 69, Calle 3 Thang 2, Barrio Thuan Phuoc, Distrito Hai Chau, Ciudad de Da Nang. ☎ (+84) 05113 89 82 86; Móvil: (+84) 0902 277 679. Los autobuses salen de la Oficina de Reservas, servicios muy económicos de recogida están disponibles, muy conveniente. Es aconsejable reservar su asiento para viajar los fines de semana y durante los festivales por lo menos con un día de antelación. editar

En barco Editar

Operador Turístico Sustentable & amp; Restaurante vegetariano "Karma Waters" [6] 47 Cua Dai St, Hoi An tel. 0510 3927632 opera Danang - Hoi Excursiones en barco & amp; servicio de transporte. (El servicio ya no está disponible a partir de marzo de 2013)

Consiga alrededor Editar

A pie Editar sección

Moverse a pie es altamente desaconsejable, si no imposible, ya que Da Nang se extiende por muchos kilómetros en todas las direcciones y está más espaciada que otras ciudades como Hanoi. A diferencia de una ciudad como Hanoi, los destinos turísticos no se concentran en un solo distrito. En su lugar, muchos de los destinos de la nota para los extranjeros están lejos el uno del otro y requieren transporte motorizado. En el lado positivo, las carreteras generosamente espaciosas, los puentes y las pasarelas de Da Nang pueden ser un cambio agradable para aquellos que quieren un cambio de la vida urbana llena de gente.

Por moto Editar

Alquilar una moto cuesta alrededor de 80.000-150.000VND por día para la mayoría de las empresas hoteleras y de alquiler en Da Nang. Los lugareños pagan alrededor de 50.000-100.000, con un poco de negociación y alquiler por un número de días que podría reducir el precio. Esta sería la forma más conveniente de viajar si desea mantener los costos bajos y tienen una gran flexibilidad en el lugar de su viaje, lo que puede ser una gran ventaja en una ciudad tan grande como Da Nang. Tenga en cuenta todos los riesgos legales y físicos asociados al alquiler de una moto. En resumen, no es realmente legal a menos que tenga una licencia de Vietnam, pero este es un punto comúnmente ignorado por los turistas y las agencias de alquiler de motos. Depende de usted si usted está cómodo con esto, pero para ser pragmático, este punto sólo se vuelve más importante si usted hace algo ilegal suficiente para tener que participar con la policía (como entrar en un accidente). El nivel requerido de moto es moderado; El tráfico en Da Nang no es tan complejo para navegar como ciudades más concentradas como Hanoi como carreteras son increíblemente amplias y la concentración de vehículos es mucho menos. Sin embargo, Da Nang tampoco es un lugar para aprender a montar una moto ya sea como tráfico sigue el espíritu del resto de Vietnam, donde el flujo de tráfico se rige por la conciencia periférica en lugar de señales de tráfico de la calle.

En taxi Editar

La tarifa comienza en 10.000 dong (ene 2012). En cualquier lugar dentro de los límites de la ciudad, la tarifa hacia y desde la estación de ferrocarril parece ser de $ 10 (Sep 2013). Lonely Planet dice 50.000 dong ($ 2.50) que parece más probable para un viaje de 3 km. Buena suerte con persuadir a un conductor a usar el medidor cuando coge uno de la estación. Usted puede ser afortunado si usted era a granizo uno que está pasando-por fuera de la estación (la confirmación requerida) - de hecho, ésta es la única manera de conseguir un paseo del taxi del metro en muchos "puntos calientes". Los chicos colgando fuera no usar el metro, ni siquiera te molestes en pedir!

Transporte hasta Hoi An Editar

El autobús # 4 (destino Tam Ky) sale en la misma localización (Le Duan # 287) y va a Hoi An también pero para en un más central en Hoi An. Los taxistas pueden aparcar frente a la parada de autobús y decirle que el autobús no está funcionando, tratando de conseguir su negocio.

Alquilar una moto para viajar a Hoi An. La distancia es de aproximadamente 28 km y tarda unos 45-60 minutos. La ruta es bastante simple y directa y te lleva a lo largo de la costa de Da Nang lo que le permite una experiencia extraordinaria y vistas a lo largo de las playas de Hoi An. El tráfico es ligero y asegúrese de llevar un cortavientos o suéter como durante el período de otoño y primavera la temperatura a lo largo de la costa puede ser un poco de frío.

Museo Cham (Bảo Tàng Chăm), Trung Nu Vuong y Bach Dang Sts. Fundada en 1915 por la École Française d'Extrême Orient, alberga una colección de esculturas de piedra de la civilización hindú que practicaba Cham, que ocupó gran parte del centro de Vietnam en el primer milenio aC hasta el siglo XIV. La entrada es 30,000VND, y el museo se puede recorrer en aproximadamente una hora. Las esculturas están casi todas hechas de piedra arenisca, y algunas han resistido mal a lo largo de los siglos, pero aún se puede apreciar la deliciosa calidad artística de las figuras, que incluyen Shiva, garudas, nagas, leones, monos y elefantes. La colección también incluye ejemplos llamativos de los iconos hindúes antiguos de la fertilidad - altares del lingam adornados alrededor de los lados con filas de pechos. Las esculturas fueron en su mayoría retiradas de las fachadas o interiores de ruinas Cham (que habría sido saqueado de lo contrario). Las ruinas en sí, como cerca de Mi Hijo, ahora tienden a ser pilas de ladrillos desmoronando y algo decepcionante, dando poca idea de la espectacular Obra de arte producida por la civilización Cham. Cualquier visita a mi hijo debe ser emparejado con el Museo Cham. La colección también es interesante para comparar con la escultura balinesa y la fase temprana, hindú de Angkor Wat en Camboya.

Montañas de Mármol (Ngu Hanh Son, admisión de 15.000 dong, tel. 511.961114)] son ​​9 km al sur del centro de la ciudad y al otro lado de la calle de muchos de los balnearios más grandes de la playa. En otras palabras, a pesar de ser montañas, están dentro de los límites de la ciudad y muy accesible (15-30 minutos de su hotel dependiendo de su ubicación). El grupo incluye a Kim Son (Montaña de Metal), Moc Son (Montaña de Madera), Thuy Son (Montaña de Agua), Hoa Son (Montaña de Fuego) y Tho Son (Montaña de Tierra). Varios templos budistas se han construido en las cuevas y las grutas, y es un sitio de peregrinación popular. La verdadera diversión, sin embargo, es en la cueva de Am Phu, donde se puede hacer la empinada subida hacia la luz y una vista desde la cima de la montaña, rodeada de aprobar imágenes sagradas. O la cabeza en la dirección opuesta, físicamente y espiritualmente, hasta el bruto Hieronymous Bosch-esque estatuas de los pecadores obtener su debido en las cavernas de abajo, con una iluminación adecuada eerie. De cualquier manera, trae zapatos para caminar o trepar. Tenga en cuenta que la exploración de las cinco montañas podría ser ambiciosa para un solo día de gira y probablemente requeriría bastantes horas. Para aquellos que prefieren visitar uno debido a limitaciones de tiempo o energía, vaya a Thuy Son, que es el más grande de todas las montañas con las características más para explorar (incluyendo la antes mencionada cueva de Am Phu). Los autobuses de excursión abierta se detendrán aquí, pero usted será apresurado; Cualquier conductor de moto en Da Nang o Hoi An estará encantado de tomar y le permiten establecer el calendario. Las guías están disponibles. Cuidado con los vendedores de estatuas rapaces afuera, sin embargo.

Ba Na Hill Station A 45 minutos en coche de Danang oa unos 40 km al oeste de Danang, Ba Na se encuentra a 1.487 metros sobre el nivel del mar en la cordillera de Truong Son. Ba Na fue anteriormente un complejo francés de 1920 y una vez se jactó de 200 villas, restaurantes y clubes. Es bien conocido como el segundo Da Lat o Sa Pa en el centro de Vietnam. Su clima templado, bosque virgen, y vistas espectaculares sobre el mar de China meridional y la cordillera del Lao hicieron Ba Na un retratamiento popular para los franceses y los vietnamitas ricos. Hoy en día la zona sigue atrayendo a los lugareños y turistas por igual gracias a un nuevo sistema de cable que se inauguró oficialmente el 25 de marzo de 2009 y estableció dos Guinness World Records por su altura y longitud. Usted necesita conseguir un taxi a la estación Suoi Mo (25 $ de ida de Danang) y luego pagar 300.000 VND por adulto (250.000 VND para niños entre 1m y 1,3m de altura, entrada gratuita para niños menores de 1m de altura) para el boleto a El teleférico y el parque de la fantasía que todavía está en construcción. Gran vista desde la cima, pero es realmente inútil para pasar la noche ya que los alojamientos son en mal estado y terriblemente caro (80-150 $ por noche).

Isla Cham (crucero, turismo, natación, buceo y disfrutar de mariscos), ☎ 0510.8505605. [7]. Recojo en el hotel a las 7 de la mañana, traslado al puerto de la playa de Cua Dai en un autobús con aire acondicionado. A bordo de 8AM, crucero a la isla de Cham en barco de madera para 1 + 1/4 horas o tomar un barco de velocidad durante 30 minutos. A la llegada, visitaremos la pagoda de Hai Tang, el refugio para barcos, un mercado local en Bai Lang, luego continuaremos navegando hacia Bai Chong para nadar y bucear para ver el arrecife de coral antes de almorzar con mariscos en un restaurante local de la isla. Relájese un rato después del almuerzo y prepárese para regresar al puerto de Cua Dai. Haga una oferta de despedida a las 3 pm y traslado de vuelta a sus hoteles. Para 2 días y 1 viaje de noche, ir a pescar por la noche, barbacoa de mariscos en la isla, dormir en una tienda de campaña, dormitorio o experiencia de alojamiento están incluidos en el programa. editar

19 lugares de visita obligada en Da Nang (Los mejores lugares de la ciudad de Da Nang), [8]. Descubriendo las vistas más bellas de la más vivible de Viet Nam. editar

Linh Ung Templo Budista. Bai Pero, Península Son Tra - ofrece una vista impresionante del mar, el cielo y una estatua de 67 metros de altura de "Quan The Am" frente al mar. La pagoda fue construida en 2010. Dado que este templo está situado en la cara sur de la montaña Son Tra, una visita a esta se puede duplicar con un paseo motorizado a través de las carreteras pavimentadas de las montañas Son Tra, incluyendo una parada en el mirador Llamado Ban Co, que pasa por alto la totalidad de Da Nang.

Bach Ma Parque Nacional (Bach Ma Parque Nacional), Bach Ma Parque Nacional. ☎ +84 54 3871330. hasta las 5:00 pm. 40.000 vnd. editar

Puente dragon. Cerca de la noria gigante en el río de Han, hay un puente con un dragón gigante del metal incorporado en él. Por la noche cambia de color, y los domingos por la noche alrededor de las 8:30 p. Sopla fuego y agua. Grandes multitudes así que llegar allí un poco temprano para buenas fotos. Mirando hacia fuera en ambos lados del puente es muy colorido y escénico en la noche. editar

Aprender Editar

Es difícil aprender el vietnamita en Da Nang ya que la comunidad ex-pat es bastante pequeña y la demanda por el aprendizaje de idiomas no es grande. Usted será capaz de encontrar muchas personas que están dispuestos a hacer intercambio de idiomas con usted y hay un número de profesores vietnamitas calificados. La tasa actual es de aproximadamente US $ 5 / hora. También puede ponerse en contacto con algunos voluntarios para hablarles vietnamitas. Es absolutamente gratis.

Hay una serie de escuelas (ILA, Apollo, ACADEMY Inglés Centro y la Universidad de Da Nang), donde los profesores calificados pueden enseñar Inglés. Los salarios son muchas veces superiores al salario nacional promedio.

Hay varios mercados locales de compras dispersos por la ciudad y unos pocos centros comerciales. Hung Vuong, Hoang Dieu, Phan Chu Trinh y calles circundantes ofrece una riqueza de bienes de calidad; Ropa, zapatos, homewares, dvds etc.

Danang Souvenirs se especializa en recuerdos de turismo y regalos sobre la ciudad de Da Nang. Ellos diseño exclusivo de sus propios productos para la esperanza promover la imagen de marca de la ciudad para el mundo. Hay una amplia gama de productos para elegir. La tienda principal (Danang Souvenirs & amp; Café) abre en abril de 2014. La dirección es 34 Bach Dang Street (o al lado del Novotel Danang) . Página web: http://danangsouvenirs. com Facebook: https://www. facebook. com/DanangSouvenirs

Hay muchos lugares en los que usted puede tener una buena comida en la ciudad de Danang. Debido a su posición, en el medio de Vietnam, se pueden encontrar muchos tipos de alimentos procedentes de las otras partes del país. Además de la comida local, también hay cocinas internacionales como el primer restaurante con estrellas Michelin en Asia; La Maison 1988 de Michel Roux.

Si prefiere el aire fresco y mariscos frescos, es una gran idea tener un paseo por la calle Pham Van Dong. Hay un montón de restaurantes de mariscos y bares de mariscos. Entrar en un restaurante con nombre, no los que están en el lado de la calle, para tener un marisco seguro y de buena calidad.

Hay varios restaurantes de mariscos a lo largo de la playa de My Khe, el otro lado de Cau Song Han - el puente de columpio de suspensión grande iluminado. Está a un par de kilómetros directamente desde el puente a la playa de My Khe, entonces si giras a la derecha hay siete restaurantes de lujo en el lado de la playa de la carretera, y muchos restaurantes locales en el lado de la tierra, con asientos laterales de playa un poco más Junto a los de lujo. Más al sur en la carretera de la playa son dos restaurantes de mariscos agradable al lado de My Khe Beach Hotel [Mi Khe es el más antiguo], y el restaurante checo de microcervecería al otro lado de la calle del nuevo My Khe 3 Hotel. Muy recomendable para probar son asado a la parrilla sepia, ostras y almejas a la parrilla [se encuentran los dos últimos son diferentes en cada restaurante], y en todas partes se puede encontrar 'hotpot' o lau, las sopas de pescado vietnamita caliente. The seafood restaurant Trieu Chau is one block closer to the beach and one long block in to the right from the Golden Sea Hotel that serves a wonderful Lau Thai Lan.(Spicy Thailand style fish soup)

If you prefer a cheap meal with safe and quite good quality food, the small bars are the best choice. There are many kinds of small bar in Danang, but they seem to be the same in the food they sell, quite good but not the best. Best if you go with a local person who can order for you.

There are also many specialty restaurants, such as the goat restaurant on Tran Hung Dao [across the Han River from downtown], or the smaller Czech brewery restaurant near the airport that specializes in turtle [although many other places serve turtle; don't worry, they are farmed, mostly for export to China. Farmed crocodile is also available many places.]

La Maison 1988. InterContinental Danang Sun Peninsula Resort, Bai Bac, Son Tra Peninsula, Danang, Vietnam. ☎ +84 511 393 8888. [11]. 6.30 pm – 10.30 pm. La Maison 1988 is The first and the only restaurant of renowned three-star Michelin chef; Michel Roux in Asia. This restaurant serves a very fine French cuisine in the style of an antique French mansion. You may experience the real French traditional culture of dining and a complimentary cocktail sessions at Buffalo Bar. If you are lucky enough, you may meet & dine with the legend Michel Roux. A must visit and try! editar

Red Sky Bar and Restaurant. 248 Tran Phu Street. ☎. An expat run western restaurant with foreign owners and cooks. Phone - Email: r "I think that the Red Sky is the best restaurant in Danang. The food is excellent, always delicious with generous portions. The staff are good and know how to look after customers and make them feel at home. The Red Sky is consistently good and has maintained a high quality since it opened. The prices are above average by Vietnamese standards but they are not too expensive for the quality of food and service you receive." editar

Cafe Indochine. Furama Resort Danang ( My Khe Beach ), ☎ +84 5113847 333. This is the Furama’s signature restaurant, an Asian-style brassiere recalling the nostalgia of the French colonial period with its rattan furniture, ceiling fans, French windows and old photographs and memorabilia on the walls. The restaurant, furthermore, features Champa architect highlighting with Lady Po Nagar statue, high-low space divided by warm color partition. By day, it is a bright, cheerful place for light snacks, while at night it turns more romantic. Guests can savor a wide range of international and pan-Asian cuisines served by waitresses in traditional ao dai outfits. There is an exotic menu of Vietnamese, Malay, Thai, Indian and Indonesian, European, and international favorites prepared in the open show kitchens or over the barbecue. Breakfast buffet costs from VND 380.000++/adult and Seafood dinner buffet starts from approximately VND 740.000++/adult. Capacity: 140-seat restaurant. Daily 6:30AM-10PM. editar

Sa Sa Gelato' is a good place to satisfy that sweet-tooth craving. Although it is tricky to find -- it's on Green Island, across the street to the east of Bia Tulip, on to the Nguyen Van Troi Bridge, turn right into what looks like a parking lot, with some restaurants. go right past the restaurants, go over another small bridge, turn right, it's past the tennis courts. Each scoop of Gelato is about 15,000 VND; chose from many local fruit flavors & the regulars, like chocolate. Sa Sa also serves sundae's and other treats to enjoy. Take home available. The staff has basic English.

Bread of Life Western Bakery and Eatery. moving to 04 Dong Da. ☎ 0511 3565185. [12]. 7AM-9:30PM. Closed Sundays. Take out delivery for orders over 70,000VND. Bread of Life is run by an American couple who use the business as means of providing training for young Vietnamese deaf. All baking, cooking and serving is done by the deaf and profits go into school for teaching deaf Vietnamese the Vietnamese sign language and English. They serve breakfasts, lunch & dinner, Pizza, Pasta, Hamburgers and many excellent western dishes. Very good coffee. Fresh baked pastries everyday. The quality is high and you will enjoy interacting with the deaf. Orders are accepted in person or by phone for a variety of breads a day ahead then you can pick them up in the restaurant. very reasonable. editar

Ocean Terrace restaurant. Furama Resort Danang. ☎ +84 5113847 333. Overlooking the white sands of China Beach, this casual restaurant provides a peaceful, poolside setting for al fresco dining. A Mediterranean-inspired menu offers garden fresh salads, Italian appetizers, delicious pastas, and crisp pizzas and Italian breads baked in wood-fired ovens. A fine selection of Italian wine and Grappa is available. Nowadays they have week-end BBQ with a boat of seafood and another boat of Australian beef, chicken wing, pork chops, a huge selection of fresh vegetables and different dressings. 6:30AM-11PM. editar

Kebab Party. 204 Nguyen Tri Phuong, Thanh Ke ( About 1k before the airport ), ☎ 0943367777. Tasty, well-cooked Western food. In a bonus, the Vietnamese female chef is adorable. editar

Hoshigami Japanese Restaurant. 118 Mai Am, Hai Chau, Danang. ☎ +84 905 067 118. [13]. 11:00AM - 10:00PM. This place certainly is a hidden gem! It's behind Dong Da Market. It's a hard-to-find place but once in there it's creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere! Waiters were coming to cab, holding the doors. When ordering Sushi the owner came to talk to you, explaining about the Sushi they are making and asking about your experiences. You got an explanation of all Sushi on the menue and the owner did not get tired of asking how every piece was. The Sushi was amazing! And the price is unbeatable cheap! Highly recommended place! Average 5$. editar

My Casa ( My Casa Da Nang ), 52 Võ Nghîa, Son Tra, Danang. ☎ +84 126 990 8603. [14]. 5:00PM - 11:00PM. Ran by a lovely couple from Italy and Spain, this restaurant will definitely bring you back home in the heart of Vietnam. Their Fusion home concept included some delicious Spanish tapas, homemade pasta, Malaysian food and delicious cocktails. The place, is their own house, which they decorated to detail. You can't miss this oasis of you visit Da Nang. Average 5$. editar

Vegan & Vegetarian Edit

Karma Waters. 113/10 Nguyen Chi Thanh ( Once you find the intersection of Le Duan st. and Nguyen Chi Thanh st. take a right onto Nguyen Chi Thanh (it's a one way, so go with the flow). Stay on your right hand side of the street and you will come to an ally street with a hat shop on the corner (#113) turn right into the ally and the restaurant will be on your right. ), ☎ +84 511 3 849 790. [15]. 10.00 - 21.00. This is the only vegan Western friendly restaurant in Da Nang. It's Owned but a charming Viet/Kiwi couple (Paul and Duyen) and it is a family place. The food is really quite good, and if you are looking for a place that avoids white sugar/MSG/and gluten this is your best option in town. The cafe is clean and right in the city center, easy walking distance from Bach Dang street and the tourist trap of Tran Phu street. The menus are in English (and cheap!), the staff is also very friendly and good with English. You don't have to be a vegetarian or vegan to have a really great meal here, it's a sure bet, and with a sister restaurant in Hoi an you can count on at least two good meals on your travels. 5-10 USD. editar

Pullman Danang Beach Resort Restaurant Epice and Infinity Bar were the first establishment in Da Nang to introduce dedicated Vegan and Vegetarian menus.

The chef has a focus on using fresh local seasonal produce and avoids convenience foods, processed foods and GM foods. Famous for liquid nitrogen ice cream, made in front of the guest with all natural ingredients, no artificial additives, emulsifiers, etc. The chefs can make Vegetarian, Vegan, lactose-free, sugar free, gluten free ice creams as required. Google the chef-a-gogo. com article & recipe about "Somy's Vegan Pho" and they do a great Thai vegan green curry with freshly smashed curry paste

Budget Edit

Ha Noi Xua . If you want to eat traditional dishes from Ha Noi, try this restaurant. The owner used to live in Czech republic and Germany before moving back to Vietnam. In the morning you can have a tasty bowl of Pho and for lunch Bun Cha or Bun Nem. Open til selling out the food (about 1PM). You can find it at 95A Nguyen Chi Thanh.

Quán Huế Ngon Slatted wooden tables and chairs tumble out of this little restaurant on to the pavement and are filled with locals on an evening. A variety of traditional Vietnamese hot-pot and barbecue are available, cooked at the table. Friendly and helpful staff speak Vietnamese, while the manager speaks some English. A picture menu is available with descriptions in English. Very good value - 150-200.000 Dong gets you a nice meal for 2 including drinks. 65 Trần Quốc Toản Street.

.Tams Pub and Surf Shop. A great place to rent surfboards even though the waves don't get really big till the winter swells pick up and even then they do not get all that big. GIs during the Vietnam war used to surf here and in this restaurant you can see the stories unfold with pictures on the wall. The pub and surf shop is ran by Tam and her family who boast the best burgers in Vietnam. I would go as far to say the best burgers in all of Asia but I have not been to all of Asia.

Hoa's Guesthouse at China Beach. The gathering spot for backpackers in the evenings, as Hoa hosts "family dinners." For about US$1.50 you get treated to an all-you-can-eat buffet, courtesy of Hoa's wife. Picnic tables are full of travellers inside this tiny cafe, starting at around 7PM. Closed during Tet. No longer a guesthouse, but still a restaurant. editar

There is a food court on the 3rd floor of Indochina Riverside Towers, 74 Bach Dang. There are about 10 stalls to choose your meals and drinks, Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese, and Chinese. Great river view and free toilet too. It's the same building with HSBC on the eastern side of river Han.

Bánh My ( Quán Bánh Mì Bà Con ), 214 Nguyễn Hoàng, Thanh Khê, Đà Nẵng ( Just off Nguyen Van Linh ), ☎ 0905408570. Please update. Super tasty Banh My. The beefsteak is a great brunch option. Super cheap but lovely staff who speak a tiny amount of English. Arguably one of the best Banh My's in Da Nang 30,000 dong each. editar

Mid-range Edit

Bao Nam Tran - fine, private and popular place for coffee, business dealings, meals and light Vietnamese pastries, drinks and desserts. The restaurant/coffee house's ancient Vietnamese architecture; incorporating heavy dark ornate wooden panels and furniture mixed with modern amenities (escalator) is a must-see. Wireless internet connection and a selection of reading material is available. The restaurant has a lovely ambience at night. Come here for breakfast, lunch or dinner. 27 Nguyen Chi Thanh St.

Splurge Edit

Ocean Blue Bar & Grill [16]. 21 Xuan Dieu St. (near the corner of 3 Thang 2 Street, look for the 7 stories high building). An elegant yet relaxed, ocean-view setting overlooking the city skyline, the Hans River, Mount SonTra and the newly built Thuan-Phuoc suspension bridge. Try the Ocean Blue chicken wing, Alfredo seafood spaghetti and the special Peppercorn Steak! Reasonable prices( 2.0 - 4.0 USD/ dish). They also serve wines, cocktails and fresh fruits juice. Smooth jazz and soft easy listening is the house music. The staff are professional and friendly. Has a live band with Vietnamese and English music.

Apsara . 222 Tran Phu Street. A reasonably good, somewhat expensive place with a huge, mostly seafood-oriented menu and performances of traditional music on some evenings. Food style is Vietnamese with some Chinese influences, and some western dishes thrown in. Caters to overseas tour groups; tour buses are often seen parked outside. One of their specialties is mantis shrimp, a delicious creature that looks half-way between a shrimp and lobster.

Waterfront 150 Bach Dang. opened late 2009, open to street, view of Han River, modern international decor, bar on ground floor, good gathering place, comfortable seating, good selection of local & imported beer & large selection of wines by the glass or bottle. Good service. Full restaurant for lunch & dinner on 2nd level. balcony seating with great view of Han River, good ambiance, owned by expatriates open seven days.

Bambino a boutique style restaurant 122 Quang Trung, quiet location, good food wine selection, Australian steak grilled to order, international, French and local foods, run by a nice French couple, a good place for a quiet meal with friends.

Drink Edit

'''Danang Souvenirs & Cafe'''. 34 Bach Dang St ( next to Novotel Da Nang ), [17]. The shop Danang Souvenirs & Cafe opens in April, 2014. The address is 34 Bach Dang Street (or next to Novotel Danang). Danang Souvenirs specialises in tourism souvenirs and gifts about Da Nang city. They exclusive design their own products to hope promote the city's brand image to the world. There is a wide range of products to choose from. You can buy typical souvenir products such as tshirt, teddy bear, key rings, magnet, etc. edit

Club Tourane. Furama Resort Danang, 68 Ho Xuan Huong ( eastward of Danang city ), ☎ 845113847333. from 8 pm to late night. The award winning Furama Resort Danang has opened its Club Tourane – the first 5-star night club in the central of Danang, Vietnam on 1 May 2008 The Club Tourane opens daily from 8pm until late (2 am) with a Filipino Band. Guests can enjoy live music and dance with the music from the 60s to the 90s. This is an authentic club with jovial charm, homey atmosphere and cheerful service. USD 2 to USD 5 per drink. editar

Infinity Bar at Pullman Danang Beach Resort. Wine by the bottle or glass, Vietnam's only liquid nitrogen cocktails, and alcohol-laced "very adult hot chocolate". Great ocean views down the infinity pond, and fast broadband wifi. Food offerings include classic nachos, sourdough thin crust pizza, Aussie meat pies, classic fish and chips and a fusion finger food menu. @PullmanDanang has daily twitter specials with discounts of up to 30%, often on drinks or food.

Bamboo Bar 2 is another popular haunt for local ex pats is the Bamboo 2's owner speaks excellent English, there are always foreigners there, and it is easy to find at the corner of Bach Dang and Thai Phien.

Golden Pine is a popular bar opposite Memory Loung on the river side. Open till 4am or last customer, they play music on request from customers. Lots of regulars here and a casual vibe

Cong Ca Phe bar that has an double ironic communist theme. You can drink in the interrogation room. Drinks 25,000 to 35,000, coffee and beers. Happy hour is 1 free with every 2 beers between 5pm - 8pm. 96 - 98 Bạch Đằng, Quận Hải Châu, Đà Nẵng

The discos all stay open until 12.30 or later. Many street side beer places stay open until the last customers leave, but most operators have no English.

Avoid the infamous "Coolspot" which has developed quite a reputation for overpricing and sub standard quality. It's in all the guide books so you know it's truly a place to be avoided.

There are literally thousands of drinking places where beer is cheap as chips and the food is superb and cheap. Head down to the beach for excellent seafood meals. Try some of the "shacks" that line the road along the beach.

If you are really not in the mood for a bar environment, there are some fantastic cafes in Danang. Try Wonder Cafe or New Life Cafe on Le Loi Street. Or just wander down Nguyen Chi Thanh Street where there are quite a few good quality cafes.

For lovers of Micro Brewery Beverages try: The Czech beer place on Nguyen Tri Phuong Street and Tulip Danang in 2 Thang 9 Street. There are also some restaurants, New World Cafe on Tran Phu Street, and No.1 Disco.

This refers to the restaurants on the service road along the road leading to the twin bridges over the river from the roundabout. To get to Green Island, cross the small bridge past the New World Cafe . to Sa Sa Gelato . [ gelato, an Italian specialty], the Gelato is expensive, but excellent, and the staff speaks English.

No 1. Disco the most upscale disco in town is quite small.

New Phuong Dong is the most well known disco. It is located at 20 Dong Da and probably most fun for a traveler to visit, bigger in size, and more eclectic in their clientele, and with better entertainment with live dancers accompanying DJ's. For example New Phuong Dong has a resident Ghanaian DJ and many visiting singers from Sai Gon and Ha Noi.

TV Club is also a disco that is well frequented by locals and has a fresh rotation of DJ's every week.

F3 is a disco venue smaller than New Phuong Dong, but just as upscale in its ambiance and plays similar music. It draws a smaller crowd because of its smaller size.

Festival . on the second corner going up river from Cau Song Han on Tran Hung Dao, is the newest disco and the only one on the My Khe beach side of the river. It's part of a complex with a restaurant and karaoke rooms. If you buy the staff a drink here [a normal thing to do in this kind of disco-night club] they can be very aggressive about drinking it fast and running up a big bill for you.

And finally for a real late night place hit " Red Hot " Bar on Nguyen Van Linh Street.

'Late night' is more flexible in Da Nang than in Ha Noi; most of the time the discos and places like Red Hot [an approximation of a Thai girlie-bar] close at 1 a. m. or 1.30, but if the police decide to say the national rules should not be flouted quite so blatantly, they may unexpectedly close at midnight or 00.30. However, roadside open-air establishments will continue to serve beer long after that, if they still have customers; and there are some places along the main roads that cater to truck drivers and the like that appear to be open all night.

Beach House at Hyatt Regency Danang. Truong Sa, Ngu Hanh Son, Hoa Hai. ☎ +845113981234. [18]. 18:30-23:30. he Beach House is idyllically located right on the beach with uninterrupted views over the sea to the Son Tra Peninsula. With its open design and rich décor, it’s the perfect place to sample the best seafood Vietnam has to offer. Couple this with Western offerings from the grill and the perfect evening awaits. The Beach House bar is the place to meet for pre-dinner drink. Enjoy a refreshing gin & tonic or select from the vast wine list. editar

Vertigo Bar & Sports Lounge ( Vertigo Bar Danang ), 48 An Thuong 1, My An Ward Ngu Hanh Son, Danang. ☎ +84 93 53 23 231. 2pm - 2am. Vertigo is one of those friendly bars where you can relax and enjoy your drink. The Bar is quite easy to become your second home with a nice mixed public and friendly staff. mid range. editar

Coffee Edit

As drinking coffee is a part of Vietnamese culture, it's a good idea if you spend your time on drinking coffee there. Coffee in Vietnam, especially coffee in the middle of Vietnam, is very strong and has a very wonderful smell. In Danang, people spend a lot of time drinking coffee and chatting with friends and family in coffee shops. There are several kinds of coffee shop in Danang: Luxurious coffee shops, mid-class coffee shops and special coffee shops.

Luxurious coffee shops can be found on many streets of the city, they are quite nice and of course the prices quite high. Many can be found along Along Phan Chau Trinh Street.

Mid-class coffee shops are found everywhere; the drinks are quite cheap and it's a place for a rest or meeting friends.

Special coffee shops are the most interesting, where you not only drink coffee or many kinds of drinks, but also have some special types of entertainment.

The Rock coffee shop where you can enjoy coffee and listen to rock music at the same time; you can ask them to play songs you like. Usually, they play ballads and soft rock in the daytime and hard rock and metal in the evening(very loudly).

Hai Quynh Cafe . 468 Hoang Dieu Street.

Scorpions . 140 Yen Bai Street.

CheRo . 79 Le Dinh Ly Street.

Other kind of special coffee shop is Chess Coffee Shop where you can drink soft drinks, fruit juices and play chess with other people. You can easily find a person to play with you. The drinks there are quite cheap and everyone is very polite when playing chess. This kind of coffee is a part of Vietnamese coffee drinking culture and it's a wonderful idea to try it.

One kind of special coffee shop is chatting coffee shop . There you can drink coffee on the street side and chat with you friend while you enjoy you drink. It's very cheap.

Famous coffee shops in Danang city:

Baguette at Hyatt Regency Danang Resort and Spa. Truong Sa, Hoa Hai, Ngu Hanh Son. ☎ +845113981234. [19]. 06:00 - 18:00. Baguette is conveniently located within the retail area of the resort. This European-style eatery is perfect for a quick breakfast or a light lunch; dine in or takeaway. Baguette also functions as a local convenience store and a bakery coffee shop for villas and residences owners, stocking traditional Vietnamese grocery products, plus hard-to-find Western items for expats and tourists. Here you can find freshly baked bread, home made cheese and ice-creams and the most delicious pastries and cakes. editar

Tuy Anh Chinese Chess Coffee Shop . 79 Le Dinh Ly Street ( on the corner of Do Quang and Le Dinh Ly ).

The most famous couple of chatting coffee shops are Long Coffee shop and An Coffee shop located on the corner of Le Loi Street and Quang Trung Street.

Don't be fooled by the guide books - Danang is a great place to visit and much cheaper than touristy Hoi An.

Hai Van lounge at the 5-star Furama Resort Danang

Cocktails and light snacks, relaxed setting decorated with cane chairs and carved Vietnamese furniture. A pianist followed by a resident Filipino band in the evenings. Free WiFi. Happy Hour buy 1 get 1 free from 6 pm to 7 pm. Open: daily 10:00AM-02:00AM. Drinks from VND 150.000++.

Sleep Edit

Budget Edit

There are many small hotels along the east side of the river (Tran Hung Dao street), which generally start at 300,000 VND for a single room and have wifi, hot water, and a/c. Pham Phu Thu is a good street with many budget hotels in the center on the west side of the river. There is also 1 hostel.

Sea Wonder Hotel. G55-56, An Cu 3, An Hai Bac, Son Tra, Da Nang. ☎ +84(0)5113945222. email="mylinhpnp@gmail. com" check-in="14:00", check-out="12:00". The owner and receptionists speak good English. PC with Internet in the lobby and free wi-fi on each floor. Cheap. Clean. Fun. Close to the My Khe beach. editar

Funtastic Hostel. 115 Hai Phong. ☎ 0903561777 (funtasticdanang@gmail. com ). Fantastic hostel, new as of Feb 2014. This place is filled with character, with both the staff and the location filled with hidden jokes and lots of great ideas (like curtains around the beds and lights and plugs next to your head in each bunk!) They also have a tv room with a 32 inch telly, beanbags and 100's of movies! Perfect for backpackers! About 0.5km east of the train station. Comfy beds, big lockers, good wifi, friendly English speaking staff, breakfast included. dorms=7usd edit

Nha nghi 278. 278 Le Van Hien, Hai Chau District. ☎ 0511.3844877. Cheap but nice guesthouse with wifi, hot water, a/c. Located east of the river. editar

Da Nang Trade Union Hotel. 50 Pasteur Street, Hai Chau District. ☎ (84-511) 825458. Located very close to the train station, has fast wifi, a/c, hot water, English speaking staff 250,000 VND for a single room. editar

Phước Lộc. China Beach - Lô 19 B2. 1 Đường sơn Trà. ☎ 84 511 3847609. It's in the main beach street, just opposite to the steet going to Hoa's place. The hotel is new and an ok deal for the facilities that they offer (AC, wifi, hot shower sometimes, TV). They are 2 min walk to the beach. The staff don't speak good english but they are very polite. Beware as the beds are thick but stiff as boards and the pillows are so thick they hurt your neck and make sleeping difficult. The hotel is located 20km southwest of town, and cost 300K VND by taxi from the city center. US$10-12. editar

Huong Lan Hotel. 05 Pham Van Nghi. ☎ (0511) 3652269 ( fax. 0511.3652694 ). * Ngoi's Guesthouse. China Beach. That is not the actual name of the house but ask a motorbike driver to take you to China Beach, and they'll probably take you to Hoa's. Hoa will be more than willing to direct you to Ngoi's. You get to sit and chat with Ngoi over a few beers in the evening. His wife will make you delicious food. Air-con. About US$8. edit About US$8. editar

Thien Duc Motel. 187 Dong Da. ☎ (0511) 3825232. checkin: 27/12/12 ; checkout: 11/01/13. An OK option which allows savings of a few dollars a night, though services are far from superior. 8 USD per night. editar

Dang Viet Hotel. 11-12 Ho Nghinh ( one minute to the beach ), (tapdoandangviet@gmail. com ), [20]. A new hotel with air-con, comfortable beds, fast wi-fi, hot showers, refrigerator and international cable TV. Staff speak English. (Beware Google maps directing you to the wrong direction from the roundabout next to the beach. For some reason, arriving from Da Nang city it directs to the left, when in fact you need to go to right.) From 300,000 dong. editar

Faifo Hotel. 200 Hai Phong ( Right next to Ga Da Nang (Train Station) ), ☎ +84 511 3827 901. [21]. Located right next to Da Nang Train Station (turn left upon exit), it's façade would put some travellers off, as it looks relatively run-down, but for the price and location, it's worth a second look. It's about 4km from the beach, but Mai Linh taxis and motorcycle taxis are readily available at the train station. Backpackers travelling in at least a pair would do well to check it out. USD20 will get one 2 beds meant for 3 pax (i. e. 1 single, 1 queen-sized), with an en-suite bathroom with hot water. Interior is well-maintained and room facilities function well. Staff speak some English, but are willing to help. On Google maps it's located at the south-western tip of Hai Phong st, but it's actually further east. editar

Danang Backpackers Hostel. 26 Quang Trung St. ☎ +84 5113 898926 (info@danangbackpackershostel. com ), [22]. checkin: 14:00 ; checkout: 12:00. Cheap, clean and spacious hostel. Breakfast included, free playing billiards, free beer every night, fast Wi-Fi. Comfy beds, a/c, hot shower. English speaking staff 24/7. editar

Alternatively you can look along the beach, there are many budget hotels that cost around 250,000VND - 500,000VND a night for a single room. Most of the small hotels are comfortable and clean with the prices on display at the counter and some are used by both locals and foreigners, e. g. Manago hotel at Anh thruong street and Olena. Remember the cheaper hotel are usually found 2 or 3 streets from the main beach area.

Mid-range Edit

Sao Minh Business Hotel. 137 Nguyen Du St. Danang City Vietnam. ☎ (84-0511) 3530555. [23]. Spacious and cozy rooms, all equipped with Air-conditioning, TV with cable channels and Mini-bar. Facilities and services are Business center, Restaurant and bar. From USD 25.00. editar

Red Beach Resort and Spa. Nguyen Tat Thanh Street, Hoa Hiep Nam Ward, Lien Chieu District. ☎ (+84) 511 3842 767. [24]. All rooms are equipped and included with LCD TV with cable channels, Balcony/lanai/terrace, Air-conditioning, Complimentary breakfast, Private toilet and bath. Some of its facilities and services are Restaurant, Spa, Swimming pool, Pearl Island tour and Water sports facilities. From USD 72.00. editar

Daia Hote, a one star hotel, address 51, Yen Bai Street, Hai Chau District, Danang. Tel: 84511-827532, web site: www. daiahotel. com. A friendly old hotel, the owner is involved with charity. You can visit " The Northwindbroom workshop" and "Bo Mung Orphanage". Rooms range from US$17 to suites of US$30 per night. The hotel is near to Catholic Church nearby.

My Khe Beach Hotel 1 and 2. These two hotels, both under the same [Army] management, are both comfortable and very reasonably priced especially given that they are just the other side of the beach road from My Khe Beach, but still only a five minute or less moto ride from downtown. My Khe 1 is older, smaller rooms but the electricity does not go off in the room when you leave; My Khe 2 has very large rooms, caters more to groups of Saigon tourists [My Khe gets lots of Vietnamese business and government travellers, plus some tourists and some Lao visitors, business or government]. Staff at both places are friendly and pleasant, adequate English if you don't speak Vietnamese. Only downside for price is no in-room internet access. Opening in mid-2008 will be My Khe 3, which is bigger and better (?maybe) than the other two -- no information on prices there yet. It is opposite the turnoff from the beach road where the tour buses stop to tell people [misleadingly] that this is China Beach, with the tank farm behind it but the microbrewery restaurant across the street. From $18/night, breakfast included, air-con room with refrigerator and private bath (My Khe 1) or shower (My Khe 2). editar

Sea Wonder Hotel. at My Khe Beach. ☎ 05113506143, 0983238256. [25]. The hotel is at the end of Pham Van Dong road straight to the My Khe beach. US$20+ pp. edit

Trendy Hotel. B2-B3 Tran Hung Dao ( close to Han River bridge ), ☎ +845113943888. [26]. Features a nice view of Han River's bridge (river view is available for Deluxe Room). Has a motorbike rental service for VND30000/hour or VND150,000/day. USD $30-$50. editar

D&C Hotel. 1, Mai Hac De St. Danang, Vietnam. ☎ (84-511) 626 5555. [27]. In Q. So'n Tra District so 10 - 15 min taxi journey from airport & station. May be a 40 min walk from the station. Possibly built in 2012. Large and very clean rooms with good bathroom and marble floor. Rooms are equipped with Air-conditioning, Sony TV with good quality English channels and Mini-bar. Has a roof-top bar / restaurant with good local breakfast plus baguette, butter and jam but no cereals. From USD 30.00. editar

Splurge Edit

Diamond Sea Hotel Danang. 232 Vo Nguyen Giap St. Son Tra Dist. ( 5 minutes from Danang International Airport ), ☎ +84 511 3939 777 (info@diamondseahotel. com. fax. +84 511 3939 789 ). Welcome to a place where you can have it all. Imagine a hotel where the most importance is you; a dream destination in which adults get their rewards, where a location only for people who know what they really want; a place for lovers of life. Discover a new universe where anything can happen. Discover a new world at the Diamond Sea Hotel located on the privileged beach of Da Nang city. The elements of nature blend on this beach to form one of the world’s unique natural paradises. In these heavenly surroundings, Diamond Sea Hotel offers all facilities and services proper to a hotel of its category. The cozy modern interior design combines the high quality room set up amenities and facilities will surely make the guest want to comeback for their next stay as our property guarantees our guest feel like home at their first stay. Take a breathtaking view from our rooftop pool, 20 storeys high. You will experience spectacular unblocked scenes over endless ocean while sipping our signature cocktails and taking in the light music all around. The hotel guarantees travelers the most comfortable room set up and facilities at the best money value. ( 16.0650626. 108.2193494 ) edit

Orange Hotel Danang. 29 Hoang Dieu St. ( 5 minutes from Danang International Airport ), ☎ +84 5113 566 176 (saleonline@danangorangehotel. com. fax. +84 5113 566 180 ), [28]. checkin: 14:00 ; checkout: 12:00. Orange hotel is located at a heart of Danang city and easy to access to the Airport or train station, Han river, local markets, Cham museum, and Dragon bridge. It has 44 rooms including standard, superior, deluxe, and the suite room with a private balcony. Our goal is to ensure the guests satisfying and enjoying the service and friendly atmosphere during their stay at Orange hotel. ( 16.0650626. 108.2193494 ) edit

Holiday Beach Danang Hotel & Resort. My Khe Beach, 300 Vo Nguyen Giap St. Ngu Hanh Son Dist. Danang, Vietnam. ☎ +84 511 396 7777 (res1@holidaybeachdanang. com. fax. +84 511 396 7555 ), [29]. checkin: 14.00 ; checkout: 12.00. The first 4-star international standard hotel with inclusive spa in room rate and luxurious facilities such as Lamborghini Mattress and Inada Massage Chair. It has 94 rooms, suites and president; other facilities are 2 restaurant, 2 bars, 2 swimming pool – one on roof-top, 1 Beach Club on the My Khe Beach, Muong Spa and complimentary Wi-Fi for in-house guests. The Holiday - Beach Club is an open place for international and local visitors who would like to enjoy the sea breeze while relaxing on its upscale services with very reasonable prices. ( 16.0499114990234. 108.248481750488 ) edit

InterContinental Danang Sun Peninsula Resort. Bai Bac, Son Tra Peninsula, Danang, Vietnam. ☎ +84 511 393 8888 (reservations@icdanang. com ), [30]. checkin: 14.00 ; checkout: 12.00. One of the finest & most luxurious resorts in the world, InterContinental Danang features a traditional Vietnamese design meets the modern architectural. It has 197-luxury rooms, suites, penthouses and villas, it is also houses 5 dining outlets which one of them is La Maison 1988, a Michelin Chef Michael Roux signature restaurant. Other facilities such as pools, private beach, Harnn heritage spa, indoor & outdoor activities and much more. Wi-Fi is a complimentary for in-house guests. ( 16.120264. 108.306527 ) edit

Fansipan Hotel Da Nang. Truong Sa Street, My Khe Beach, Ngu Hanh Son District. ☎ 05113.913.555 - 3913.455. [31]. All rooms have air conditioning, work desk, bathroom, IDD telephone, cable/satellite television, mini bar, wireless high-speed internet and hair dryer. Some of its facilities and services are souvenir shop, meeting room, restaurant & bar, elevator, banquet, front desk, housekeeping, security, bellman service, room service, tour desk and laundry service. editar

Hyatt Regency Danang Resort & Spa. Truong Sa Street, Hoa Hai Ward, Ngu Hanh Son District. ☎ +845113981234. [32]. checkin: 14:00 ; checkout: 12:00. Hyatt Regency Danang Resort & Spa comprises 200 hotel rooms, 182 residences from one to three bedroom and 27 ocean view villas. The resort features contemporary design, using Vietnamese craftsmanship and decor, setting a new standard in Asian hospitality and style. editar

Furama Resort Danang has 198 rooms and suites resort 15 minutes from Danang International Airport. The resort has its own Diving Center, spa and health centre. Room rate is from VND 5.700.000++ per room per night.

Lifestyle Resort Da Nang is a new five star hotel right on the beach, next door to Furama. 186 rooms and villas from $135 per night including airport transfers, breakfast and free wifi throughout the resort. Facilities include spa, Sea doo jetkis and towable tube, butterfly farm, a kids club and complimentary daily shuttle to Hoi An.

HAGL Plaza Danang. 01 Nguyen Van Linh street. ☎ 84 511 2 22 33 44. [33]. It offers 206 air-conditioned rooms, all of which have cable television, Internet connection, mini-bar, and shower with bathtub. Some of its amenities include spa and swimming pool, fitness room/gym, and restaurant, bar, and café. Best rates on official website start at US$96. editar

Vinpearl Luxury Da Nang. Truong Sa Street, Ngu Hanh Son District. [34]. An international hotel 5 stars with 200 comfortable rooms and villas. Best rates. editar

Contact Edit

Stay safe Edit

It is a comparatively safe city but be sure to lock up your belongings at night (as everyone does) which includes not leaving your bike out on the street. Everyone generally brings them into their houses. Beware of the Taxi scam. When going to Bana Hills or Hue, some taxi driver will stop and agree at a very low price for a return journey and once you reach you destination, he will triple or quadruple the price knowing you don't have an option to return. When you do return to your hotel (he will park the car slightly away from the main entrance of your hotel), he might lock the central locking and demand the price first before letting you go. To avoid this, use only MAI LINH Taxis and agree a price with them. They are generally honest. A better way is to take your driver to the Hotel reception to confirm the price again and leave the Taxi details (like the number on the plate) with the Hotel reception. Also be extremely wary of my khe beach hotels and apartments. There are some extremely dodgy hosts in the area. DO NOT book any apartment or hotel before asking around and finding out about the owner's reputation. There is a lot of talk around town of severe scamming. Watch out for a business called Mahalo.

Da Nang is more friendly than other Vietnamese cities on the city side. But be extremely careful about establishments on the beach side. There is a lot of corruption. Personally speak to sources, so you do not get shafted.

However, most locals are quite friendly and almost always willing to help (even when they do not speak English). They are also generally more easygoing and less motivated by scamming foreigners than you will experience in other cities such as Hanoi or HCM, and this can be a welcome surprise and gives Da Nang more of its own charm as well.

Medical services Edit

Tam Tri Da Nang General Hospital, TMMC Healthcare ( Tam Tri Da Nang General Hospital, TMMC Healthcare ), 64 Cach Mang Thang 8 Street, Khue Trung, Cam Le Ward, Da Nang City. ☎ +84 511 367 9555 (pac@tmmchealthcare. com ), [35]. Mon-Sun 7:00-19:00. General hospital, excellent in General Surgery, Internal Medicine, Colon & Rectum, Vaccine Orthopedic and Emergency Medicine. Consultation fee is affordable, international/ domestic private insurance coverage. Accept Credit Card. English speaking staff US$10. editar

Get out Edit

Frequent bus service to Hoi An in the day time (service stops at 6 pm). (17,000 dong - but foreigners may be refused passage at this price - you just insist until they accepting your 17,000 dongs. This is usually accomplished by handing the purser 17,000. The price is posted on the side of the bus, near the entrance; they do not return change from 20,000 even to the locals), as well as other destinations throughout Vietnam is available at the intercity bus station. Try eventually to get on the bus along Dien Bien Phu, busstops are signed, the first being just after the roundabout at the west of the railway wich you cross 1 Km east of the busstation. Very near Danang is the village of Lang Co.

Danang train station is conveniently located close to the center of town. Please refer to the Vietnam page for general details on train travel in Vietnam.

As of Sep 2013, trains depart for Hanoi at 11:55 (arriving at 03:51); 14:04 (04:30); 0236 (19:26); 23:16 (15:07), 07:40 (03:01); 16:08 (09:55).

For Ho Chi Minh City at 10:36 (arriving at 03:45); 13:09 (04:30); 01:33 (18:37); 07:39 (03:05) and 09:37 (05:08).

Mai Linh provides a bus service to Ho Chi Minh City at 5PM, arriving at Dinh Bo Linh Street, HCMC at 3PM. Ticket delivery to hotel & collection from hotel are available if in central. Fares (as of Sep 2013) are VND 380,000 or VND 430,000 including dinner and breakfast. Tel: 0511 379 2929 / ticket line: 0169 640 0418.

Phuong Trang Bus company provides a bus service, departing Da Nang at 3PM and arriving in HCMC at nopn (1200). The fare is VND 385,000. Ticket could be purchased from their offices at 16 Tran Phu Street.

Sleeper Bus Booking Office - Da Nang's Backpackers - Booking Office Representative of some prestigious Sleeper Bus Companies (Cuc Tung, Thuan Thao, Sinh cafe, Hanh cafe, Camel, Trekking, Nam Phuong. ), their sleeper buses depart from Da Nang to:

You can buy a one-way ticket, return ticket or open ticket, you should book at least one day in advance to be sure that they still have available tickets, they deliver tickets to you at your hotel or you collect from office at No 69, 3 thang 2 Street, Thuan Phuoc Ward, Hai Chau District, Da Nang City; Tel: (+84) 05113 89 82 86; Mobile: (+84) 0902 277 679. Very cheap pick-up services are available.

Han Market

The most important trading point of Da Nang City, Han market is popular among local and tourist alike. Located at the grand intersection of Tran Phu Street, Bach Dang Street, Hung Vuong Street and Tran Hung Dao Street, this famous market holds a very important position in the history of the city.

The most important trading point of Da Nang City. Han market is popular among local and tourist alike. Located at the grand intersection of Tran Phu Street, Bach Dang Street, Hung Vuong Street and Tran Hung Dao Street, this famous market holds a very important position in the history of the city.

Trading activities

Even though in the old days, Han Market was only a modest trading venue for small businessmen, the convenient and ideal location have enabled it to develop into a big trading center near Han River, from which people gave it the name Han Market. The market was officially opened in the 1940s. The French constructed there a big train system called Tourane Marché to transport goods to the main station. As the business grew unceasingly, some Chinese and Vietnamese businessmen decided to build a commercial center around the market with grocery stores, jewelry stores, pharmacy stores, etc. In 1989, the market was fully renovated. Nowadays, as the renovation gives the market a spacious and refreshing atmosphere, the arrangement of stores inside the market also gives the customers a relaxing feeling when shopping there.

Han market in the 1950s

Interestingly, local inhabitants used to regard the market as “rich market” because it was extremely popular among the more well-off classes of the society. Today that term is absolutely out of place, as everyone enjoys shopping there. A plenty of goods ranging from fresh foods (vegetables, fruits, fishes and meats) to clothes is traded all day long. However, the most special thing to look for at the market is probably fish sauce: the familiar yet unique food of the Central Regions.

In addition to the variety of choices, Han Market also attracts a lot of people by its relatively low prices because it functions as the center where goods are gathered before being distributed to smaller markets in the province.

Visiting Han market

Han market is ideal for those looking for some Danang's souvenirs before heading home. If you are flying overseas after, you may take limitted dried food with you but if you have more time to spare in Vietnam, stock up on fresh fruits and local snacks. Some specialties that can be found in Han market include: Ly Son garlic, Chili paste, dried rice crackers, dried squids. At the front of the market are fruit stalls, abundant with tropical option from bananas to jackfruits.

Ly Son Garlic - A specialty that can be found at Han market

One can easily reach Han market by taxi or motor taxi. If you stay at one of the beach resort on Danang coast, a trip to Han market would cost $5/one way by taxi.

Gopatel Hotel

Gopatel Hotel http://www. hotels-in-vietnam. com/asia/vietnam/hotels_danang/gopatel-hotel-da-nang. html

Gopatel Hotel located in the center of Da Nang city, with convenient traffic location that near International Airport and Da Nang station about 2 km, 5 minutes walk to the Dragon, Han market, only 1,5 km away from My Khe beach. Only away Da Nang International Airport 1 km, Gopatel hotel was built in the center of the city.

A large campus is an ideal place for any visitor traveling Da Nang City. With outstanding and self-contained service quality, professionally trained and friendly staff. Gopatel Hotel is combination of leisure services, entertainment, music space and long accommodation in 4 stars standard. Gopatel Hotel Da Nang is best deluxe hotel with discount rates on hotels-in-vietnam. Booking online and get special promotions: instant confirmation with best price guarantee.

Choose date to check Available Rooms & Rates at this hotel

We want to give our clients the best options, so we want you to pay the lowest possible rate for your room

Find The Top Retirement Cities In Vietnam

And why would you go halfway around the world to retire? In two words, it’s cheap. It costs much much less to live in Vietnam than in the U. S. and it’s also a charming country to live in. It is all coast, mostly what looks like a strip of land bordering the South China Sea.

Kathleen Peddicord , founder of the Live and Invest Overseas publishing group, writes that English is becoming more and more common throughout the country, that the Vietnamese have a passion for the internet (which is available everywhere), and that despite its history of war and colonial rule, the people are “perhaps surprisingly gracious and friendly to Westerners.” (See also the helpful information in Plan Your Retirement Abroad .)

Da Nang: Beachfront and Great for Golfers

In Da Nang, for example, according to Peddicord writing in U. S. News and World Report, you (two of you) can live on $1,200 a month. Wouldn’t that leave at least a little something for traveling back home occasionally? Da Nang, she says, is not a tourist trap. It is situated on the South China Sea coast at the mouth of the Han River and is also home to Vietnam’s best golf course (so said Golf Digest last year), and it has a long, beautiful beach. Da Nang is where a major U. S. Air Force Base was located during the war, but that was a long time ago, and the Vietnamese apparently welcome American visitors and retirees now. The Vietnamese are a hardworking people determined to make it in today’s world, according to all reports. Vietnamonline. com describes the city, third largest in the country, as becoming an "organized urban area, with beach front villas on one side and (the) Han River flowing on the other."

Da Nang, a city of a million people dotted with new skyscrapers, is also a place of wide, easily-traveled roads and wide sidewalks, too, for those who like to walk free of bikes and especially motorbikes. It still retains its small-town feel, says U. S. News, and it is, amazingly, litter-free, Peddicord reports, and it has an active recycling program. How rare that is in Southeast Asian countries, you may know from your own travels. The beach is utterly beautiful and very clean, with lifeguards and litter barrels, and yet it is not a “beach town,” so it’s easy to find a deserted stretch for lolling.

Nha Trang: Tropical Resort and Magnet for Expats

Nha Trang lies on southeastern Vietnam’s Nha Trang Bay, about 275 miles northeast of Ho Chi Minh City. It’s a popular Vietnamese vacation destination, with more than four miles of beaches. And it’s home to 400,000 people, including hundreds of expats. The city has a tropical climate, with high temperatures ranging from 82 F to 91 F and lows in the high 60s F. Best of all, Nha Trang has a long dry season, which runs from January to August. It experiences its heaviest rainfall in October and November. Mountains surround three sides of the city, and a large island just off the coast shelters Nha Trang during heavy storms.

One couple, described on International Living’s website, rent “a modern studio apartment – a five-minute walk from the ocean –… fully furnished and includ[ing] cable, Wi-Fi, a small kitchen, maid service, laundry six days a week, a security guard, a weight room, and utilities for $300 a month.” There are also long-term hotel stays for about $200 a month. Grocery prices are way below what US citizens are used to – 10 cents for a baguette (the French colonial influence), 10 eggs for under a dollar, and two lbs. of potatoes for less than a dollar. And the food in restaurants is delicious – Vietnam's cuisine is much influenced by French cooking but has its own distinct style of light, bright flavors – very fresh food and of course a lot of seafood.

Dalat: Mountain Greenery and Gardeners' Delight

Dalat is a quite different kind of place – not on the coast, for one thing. But it has a big advantage in a hot country: While it’s further south than Nha Trang, it has an average yearly temperature of 57 F. It’s really a mountain resort complete with pine trees. You can rent an apartment in Dalat for around $300, eat out for less than a dollar…and get a good hour-long massage for $5. The city is famous for its flowers and holds a flower festival in December and January. It’s not easy to find English-language real estate agents and service providers, but you can always try the local university.

According to International Living, if you choose to live there, you should choose a place on the outskirts, no matter how tempting the center is, with its thriving seafood market and its (man-made) moon-shaped Xuan Huong Lake. Charming French architecture from the colonial days is still in evidence, but the outskirts are prettier than the center of town, experts say, with better views. Dalat is not on the sea, but it’s just three hours from Nha Trang, where you can go for a beach vacation. Some retirees divide their time between the two.

La línea de fondo

If cost of living is a major consideration in your retirement, Vietnam could be the answer. For your home base, you can choose between the mountains and the beaches. (You may also be interested in reading Retirement Planning: Introduction and Find The Top Retirement Cities In The Philippines. )

Vietnam News for Da Nang

The national airline Vietnam Airlines has officially announced the new launch of two international air-routes which is going to start operating in Da Nang International Airport from July 1, 2013.

In the recent 5 months, Central Quang Nam province has been running four tourism projects with a total capital USD 108 million, shared Doan Ngoc Minh from the provincial and investment department.

The famous US food website Daily Meal has just selected five restaurants in Vietnam to be in the list of the 101 best restaurants in Asia.

Most Recent Warnings and Dangers in Da Nang

strangelove's danger wanring

by sci_ron Written Oct 23, 2009

I just read that danger warning about his bill at Da Nang airport. A little petty I thought, given that the average income for these people is around US$330 PER ANNUM. and he ***ed about US$ 3.50. Oh - that's right - it's the principle isn't it. Well I guess that'll teach them.

They rely on us for their income. Without us travellers they would be a lot more hungry, and a lot poorer. I'm not a rich dude by any means, but I'm more than happy to tip 10,000 VND when it's merited. Don't be such a tight fist. If you can afford to travel to Vietnam, then support the locals and give what you can.

Airport Restaurant at Danang International Airport


Just before our flight to Hanoi from Danang, we had lunch at the "Airport Restaurant". We ordered a fish in cream sauce, sweet and sour shrimps, fried rice with crab meat and 2 iced coffee. The standard of the food was reasonable.

The bill came up to USD10 (160,000 dong). There was no item-breakdown on the bill, just a figure of USD10. At the payment counter, I requested for the menu to check the prices of the items that we had ordered. When I reached the second item, the cashier (a senior looking lady) closed my menu and ordered another waitress to bring me to the secondary dining hall, away from the curious eyes of other diners.

At the secondary dining hall, I requested for the menu again to go through the items that we had ordered. Again, the waitress closed my menu and wrote 69,000dong on a piece of paper, gesturing me to pay this amount. I refused to and insisted on using the menu. Eventually, the bill came up to 90,000 dong, according to the menu prices.

When we went back to make payment at the counter, no word of apology or smile was given by the staff.

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Weather Underground Forecast for Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Tropical cyclone development is not anticipated across the Indian Ocean on Tuesday, while the tropics remain active over the western Pacific. Tropical Cyclone Victor is now located roughly 274 nautical miles east southeast of Pago Pago, American Samoa. Victor remains a category 1 cyclone, with maximum wind speeds at 80 mph (69 kts). The forecast track for Tropical Cyclone Victor has this system moving in a south southwestward trajectory. Victor will likely maintain category 1 cyclone strength through Tuesday. Wind speeds will range between 74 to 95 mph (64 to 82 kts). High surf and stormy conditions will continue to affect Niue and the Cook Islands. In the Indian Ocean, a wave of low pressure will form along the west coast of India. Showers and isolated thunderstorms will be possible across parts of southern India. Bengalooru, India, will experience late afternoon and evening showers with a high of 81(F)/ 27(C). For more information regarding the tropics, please visit http://www. wunderground. com/hurricane/.


What sets Da Nang apart from many other developing Southeast Asian cities is that to a large degree the people have benefited from changes. Where once the landstrip to the east of the city was a wasteland of poverty, 10 bridges have been built connecting the two city parts. Meanwhile, with the resorts has come an influx of foreign workers – at last count in 2013 more than 4,000 had chosen to make Da Nang their home -- and many more have made a break from Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. The city streets are lined with international quality dining and drinking options and it's not just the foreign presence that can be felt, but a more modern, exciting local scene has emerged comfortably alongside as well.

Travellers using Da Nang as either a transit route to the more touristed Hoi An or as a beach resort break will notice Da Nang's popularity among short-stay Asian travellers and won't see much in the way of the marketing of cultural aspects of the city. To most, the "ancient" side of the city resides solely in the Cham museum and maybe a little towards the fishing villages further north. But exploring away from the main drag of Bach Dang will unearth buckets of colonial architecture, an ancient citadel, a huge street food scene packed full of dishes you'll not see anywhere else in Vietnam and a vibrant atmosphere. Now's the time to sample it for yourself, because those clever folks on the Da Nang tourism board are catching on and it won't be long before you are being herded through on a tour group just like all those folks in Hoi An.

The name Da Nang will have a familiar ring to anyone acquainted with America's military action in Vietnam, as it was home to one-fifth of all US service people, and a transit or R&R spot for most of the rest, making it one of the most occupied -- and heavily defended -- cities in South Vietnam during the war period. Eventually, however, it fell to the North Vietnamese in 1975 with hardly a bullet fired.

During the French colonial period, Da Nang was called Tourane . a name still used by some of the hotels in the city. The French also used it as a landing point during their war in Vietnam; when the French established a garrison on the nearby Son Tra peninsula (dubbed Monkey Mountain by US troops) more soldiers died from disease building it than during the associated fighting. Today a small cemetery near Tien Sa Beach stands in their memory.

Most visitors who pass through Da Nang are on their way to Hoi An. one of Vietnam's top tourist destinations. Those who linger are most likely seeking sun at gorgeous Non Nuoc (China Beach). In Da Nang city itself there's the excellent Cham Museum, a great primer for a visit to My Son further to the south, a large Cao Dai temple and a pleasant riverfront boulevard, while the immediate area includes Marble Mountain, Monkey Mountain and Ba Na hill station.

Many travellers who show up in Da Nang find the city dull and end up heading elsewhere fast. It's true that Da Nang is a more difficult city to visit than other spots in Vietnam and you can't experience the best of it just by walking around and seeing what you find, as you can in Nha Trang or Hoi An. You really have to seek out the hidden corners and some advanced preparation can really enrich your experience.


In 2013 Da Nang attracted more than three million visitors and of those only 600,000 were Westerners -- the other 2.4 million were Asian travellers. For accommodation this means that standards are high and (for a city) cheap -- the best hotels and guesthouses are all well located and priced at around $20 to $40 a night, including an Asian buffet breakfast. (If you don't want the breakfast, see if you can get a rate without and eat elsewhere.) For budget accommodation, outside the city you can grab a decent room for $10 to $15 a night, but in downtown Da Nang the standard of guesthouses and hotels in this price range drops to almost unbearable, with a few badly located exceptions. If you are travelling on a tight budget, look at the guesthouses on the east side of the river on Tran Hung Dao or near the beach in Ngu Hahn Son district. Travel to the city from here will only cost a couple of dollars and there are plenty of places to eat, drink and relax.

Da Nang has installed free mega WiFi . which can be accessed from all over the city and is pretty reliable. ATMs are located all over the city, with the highest concentration nearest the big swing bridge, Han River Bridge on riverside Bach Dang Street. Donga banks have the highest withdrawal limits (five million VND, approx US$250), but you can make multiple withdrawals. The ATM withdrawal fee is 20,000 VND per transaction, but do remember you will also be charged by your home bank. If you have an HSBC account there is a branch on Tran Phu Street, or look out for Techcom ATMs which link to HSBC. For travellers cheques at 2 percent and direct bank transfers at 3.3 percent go to either Vietcom or Sacom Bank, both on Bach Dang Street. Opening hours are from 07:30 to 11:30 and 13:00 to 17:00 weekdays. At weekends Sacom Bank opens from 07:30 to 11:30.

For international standard medical treatment most resorts, hotels and taxis will know the Family Medical Practice on Nguyen Van Linh Street, which is available for emergencies and callouts around the clock, seven days per week. They can also help arrange medical evacuation if needed, dealing directly with most travel insurance companies on your behalf. Charges for a consultation start at around $70. A better alternative may be to go straight to a hospital -- Da Nang has many and believe us, if you've had a bad motorbike accident they know what they are doing. The main problems are after-care and low hygiene standards.

The Hoan My Hospital on Nguyen Cong Tru Street is your best bet for everything from a gippy tummy through to the worst that could possibly happen. The care here is excellent, standards are international and so are a lot of the surgeons and nursing staff. And prices are far cheaper then at Family Medical.

If you do find yourself in another hospital, practically all of them have an English-speaking doctor or nursing staff, so seek them out, contact Hoan My and organise relocation as soon as is physically possible. You'll need to clear your bills and get a doctor from Hoan My to sign you over into their care and arrange transportation. We can't stress how important this is, especially post surgery. Local hospitals are not set up to deal with after-care.

For dental emergencies, East Meets West Dental Centre on Nui Thanh Street is an excellent international-standard facility. The Vietnamese staff are supported by qualified dental practitioners from all over the world and they also provide free dental care for thousands of poor children and families in Central Vietnam every year.

If you need to ship something back home, Da Nang's central post office is located on Nguyen Van Linh Street. International shipping is provided through reliable companies like DHL and EMS. To tie in with customs procedures you'll need to use their packaging service and fill out a customs form.

Da Nang Post Office: 251 Nguyen Van Linh St; T: (0511) 3652 334; open Mon-Fri 07:00-19:00

East Meets West Dental Centre: 269 Nui Thanh St; T: (0511) 3624 222; http://www. eastmeetswest. org

Family Medical Practice: 50-52 Nguyen Van Linh St; T: (0511) 358 2699 http://www. vietnammedicalpractice. com/

Hoan My Hospital: 161 Nguyen Van Linh St; T: (0511) 365 0676; http://www. hoanmy. com

Overview from top of Son Tra

Da Nang (Đà Nẵng) is Vietnam 's fourth or fifth largest city, and is on the South China Sea coast, midway between Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City and the largest city of Central Vietnam.

The city itself has neither the ambiance of Hanoi nor the hustle-bustle of Ho Chi Minh City, but has its share of sights and is close to the charms of Hoi An and the imperial capital of Hue. making it a popular vacation spot for those looking to explore the attractions of central Vietnam or soak up some sun while hanging out on the city's beaches.

Understand Edit

The regions surrounding Da Nang (My Son. Quang Nam ) were founded by the Cham Hindus most possibly 3,000 years ago, serving as the capital city and centre of the Hindu Champa Dynasty. Vietnamese invasions into the region in the 17th century significantly halted Cham development.

Given that Da Nang was the first point of colonial invasion, many vestiges of French architecture are present in the historic buildings.

There are many remnants of the "American War" leftover in Da Nang. During the war, many monuments and buildings were destroyed. On the way to the popular tourist spot; China Beach, the ruins of a military base remain in the form of helicopter hangars, although these are now more easily spotted at the airport, which serves both civil and military flights.

The city is often overlooked by tourists but is one of the friendliest to backpackers in all of Vietnam. My Khe Beach, known to American GIs as China Beach, is now home to a small community of guesthouse owners, marble statue shops, and other various trades. Some of the most beautiful and isolated beaches in Vietnam are found here, among some of the friendliest people. This is a must-stop for the budget traveller.

Until relatively recently, Da Nang was somewhat hostile to foreigners, a consequence of the attitudes of those who controlled the provincial government. In the early 1990s, however, this changed, and since then the provincial (actually autonomous city) government has been enthusiastically pursuing foreign investment and infrastructure development. Da Nang has some of the best roads in the country. The coast road is at least four lanes from northern provincial boundary to southern provincial boundary. Compared to either Hanoi or HCMC, traffic in Da Nang is always relatively light, although huge trucks blast through every now and again and there are brief rush hours.

The city has grown rapidly in recent years, and had a 2008 population estimated at 900,000. Until recently, this growth was mostly outward and infill, but now there are high-rises going up. Development is visible and rapid; the city has expanded tremendously in the last ten years, and several multi-storey buildings as well as more beach resorts are under construction, and there are now at least three large supermarkets as well as a Metro wholesaler. This involves redevelopment of areas near the city beaches across the river, with whole blocks of old housing being razed, new roads paved, and luxurious villas constructed.

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